Sunday, December 03, 2006

48 Learning Strategies

This morning, I c@me about yet another interesting "@rticle" from François Guité, in his blog : 77 conseils pour faciliter l’apprentissage.

Within that @rticle, François built and sh@red a mind map, which summarizes 48 pieces of advice to facilitate learning. Since he acknowledged that his conceptual gr@ph is too wide and high for most computers, I therefore took upon myself to solve the problem, by buiding a Web p@ge that may be turned into a popup; I also created a 8½ x 11" Word file, because personnaly, I coudln't have printed his 11 x 17" PDF, and I suppose it's the case of many others.

Here's the popup, from which you may also download the Word file: I hope it may be useful!

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