Tuesday, December 05, 2006

mixing esl art heart and popups

zhaxia onglet 02Well, let's mix arts with English, or rather ESL.

Hi "Zhaxia"
I stumbled upon your blog this 2006dec05, in the afternoon, likely from François Guité's Blog. I saw your skilful art and that you created links from thumbs, so that us, visitors, may acknowledge that your drawings are actually drawn with straight lines, even though the end product does offer curves.

However, since your bigger im@ges are much too wide for my computer screen and my 600 x 800 px resolution, and since I thought it'd be nice to see your drawings as a whole, and also, since your 218 KB im@ge is a little bit heavy for people who might visit your blog with a dial up connection, I took upon myself to create the popup you'll get to, if you click the small thumb on the left. For your information and anyone else's, here's the code I used.

Moreover, I took off the superfluous white space all around your art picture and also greatly reduced it in size, so as to create a fairly light 44 KB im@ge that can be seen as a whole. Hoping all that may be useful, I send youz farewells!

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