Networked Teachers And Students

I gr@bbed this gr@ph, originally from Alec Couros, from this post in François Guité's blog. I then turned the 44 KB JPG file into a lighter 21 KB GIF and also added the word "STUDENT", since I thought it was pertinent to do so ; moreover, I turned the title and personage into blue to relate them together ; finally, I transparified the im@ge around the circle.
Labels: MusePolymnia, MuseThalia
Neat stuff. I like what you have done with these thoughts. I think you are correct to bring in students this way.
All the best.
Hi Alec
I suppose that you are the Alec (Couros) who created the original im@ge, which I adapted.
I'm happy you agree with my modifications and don't play the "game of the offended artist" who'd claim I had no right to modify your work...
Yes, I agree with you (and I) that adding the students to your im@ge was correct and pertinent...
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